Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Of All Time

One of my favorite memories to visit is the time my sister took me to see a little known, indie animated feature at a tiny tiny theatre in Georgetown - long since closed.

I was in high school, and very lonely because it was the first year she went away to college. She came home for a random weekend in November, the weekend before Thanksgiving Break. She drove all the way home to take me to this flick knowing that she had to drive back just to attend three days of classes - only to return again in holiday traffic.

I didn't think Mom would let me go because I had just received poor marks on some pointless exam. Dona convinced her. It was freezing that night as we waited in line for tickets. There had been flurries earlier that day, I pretended to smoke a cigarette.

The film was weird, wonderful, and like nothing I had ever seen before. I will always remember the film this way. It will always be one of my all time favorites.


  1. i want to take you to something like that again.
    i see you everyday but i don't actually get to hang out.
    let's plan a date just to two of us and we can do something exciting and memorable. but not like our last trip to NYC where we were both traumatized.
