Thursday, September 26, 2013

new bff

this is what my life has come to - meet my new bff

I love this thing!

During Ash's wedding I told Mike that I've gone back to school for accounting.

Mike: "Is it because you are Korean?"
Yes Mike - Yes.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

them things

Heated eyelash curlers - they exist in the world and are sold at places like Home Depot. We live in a strange world.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Dear Ashley

Its crazy to think about us getting through these milestones.

Ever since we met in our school days I always felt like we were kindred spirits - born with the souls of  65 year old women, our journey through life is to get to the appropriate age so that we can fulfill our dreams of being comfortably retired and rocking in chairs on a porch complaining about the nice weather.

Well, my friend - you're on the right path and I'm glad you've found the mate to rock right along side you when the time comes.

We've walked through some dank VA alleys, traveled to the UK and survived the worst third wheel travel companion in the history of mediocrity. I'm still not convinced we would survive being partners on The Amazing Race but I feel honored in your confidence that we'd make a good team. You are a great friend and I am so excited for your wedding this weekend.

Monday, September 2, 2013

not air

I used to regularly have dreams of being deep underwater and looking up towards the surface. In some dreams I could breathe like a fish and in others I would seize and wake from the feeling of suffocating. I haven't had either of those kinds in a while. Wonder if they come from a past life. Wonder if my dad ever had those too.

Amazing underwater photographs by Indonesian photographer Hengki Koentjoro.