Thursday, December 12, 2013

neck tie

What is happening with Chris Cuomo's neck?! Is his neck so thick that his collar can't seem to cover all of his neck tie? Or is it his unfashionable collar?

Also, this tie is kind of clown-esque.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Today was cold and rainy.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Its pretty bad...

Wow - all the hoopla in the media about the janky site is no joke.

It isn't even that its inefficient, it is just plain broken- even as of this afternoon! It can't even create a log-in account, forget about calculating subsidized rates.

Its pretty shocking that a month into its launch, the site still suffers from major problems. If the healthcare system needs Gen X and younger so it can break even - then a broken site is its doom.

Calling an operator is my last resort but get me on that Obamacare compliant healthcare already! Lets make this program work.

Friday, November 8, 2013


The music video to  the Bee Gees & Peter Frampton cover of A Day in the Life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

crash boom bang

Achille Beltrame (Italian, 1871-1945) disaster illustrations from the first half of the 20th century.

Friday, October 4, 2013

west coast

Last month Boo and I took a three day trip to CA - it was fun. I love it there.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

koreans love fries

This is what $250 worth of McD fries look like. I'd eat some of that.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

new bff

this is what my life has come to - meet my new bff

I love this thing!

During Ash's wedding I told Mike that I've gone back to school for accounting.

Mike: "Is it because you are Korean?"
Yes Mike - Yes.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

them things

Heated eyelash curlers - they exist in the world and are sold at places like Home Depot. We live in a strange world.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Dear Ashley

Its crazy to think about us getting through these milestones.

Ever since we met in our school days I always felt like we were kindred spirits - born with the souls of  65 year old women, our journey through life is to get to the appropriate age so that we can fulfill our dreams of being comfortably retired and rocking in chairs on a porch complaining about the nice weather.

Well, my friend - you're on the right path and I'm glad you've found the mate to rock right along side you when the time comes.

We've walked through some dank VA alleys, traveled to the UK and survived the worst third wheel travel companion in the history of mediocrity. I'm still not convinced we would survive being partners on The Amazing Race but I feel honored in your confidence that we'd make a good team. You are a great friend and I am so excited for your wedding this weekend.

Monday, September 2, 2013

not air

I used to regularly have dreams of being deep underwater and looking up towards the surface. In some dreams I could breathe like a fish and in others I would seize and wake from the feeling of suffocating. I haven't had either of those kinds in a while. Wonder if they come from a past life. Wonder if my dad ever had those too.

Amazing underwater photographs by Indonesian photographer Hengki Koentjoro.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Settings change

Hello all -

I've changed the settings to my journal to only allow friends and family to view this blog.

Not that I post regularly any longer, nor do I post anything wildly or even mildly controversial but I'm a nut so whatever...

I've found myself on this site censoring my grievances in the irrational worry that some weirdo employee or prospective employer with find it and see the leftover crumbs of my soul after a long hard day of under-employment.

These leftover crumbs belong to me and lets face it - I want to put down my daily interactions with crazies so that in 2 years time - when no one is even aware that blogger still exists - I can forget to look back at my ignored blog and laugh at how much my current situation is constantly shrouded in weird situations and people. This is what I miss most about my old blog from my college years. Unfortunately, it went away with the absolution of pmonk and my cheap reluctance to continue to pay for gobs of hosting fees.

I hope I haven't kicked anyone out of readership that I didn't mean and maybe I'll change back to the public ways since I genuinely believe in the community of open posting (i'll just tell myself thats what Pinterest is for) but really this is a test to see if it will encourage me to write, explore the internets and post more often. If you know of anyone or hear of any complaints from not having access let me know and I'll probably be happy to add 'em.

Thanks friends and family. I shall cocoon myself in your safe and comfortable readership for a little while.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer 2013

Summer 2013 comes to a close. Its been a busy one that feels very optimistic. The prospect of working towards a goal has really pulled me out of a long time funk and its really refreshing. I'm excited to enter fall even though I know I'm going to be exhausted. I think I've inherited my parents work-a-holic gene and that makes me feel good.

I feel well on my way to starting my new program at school. I took two classes this past summer that lay the foundation towards become an accountant. Attending school while working has been... an adjustment. It makes me even more grateful to have such a supportive family and boo. I don't know how anyone without a stellar support system can do it!

Some of my classmates amaze me in that they work, have kids AND manage to attend class. I start fall semester two days from now and am just enjoying the calm before the storm.

Once summer classes ended, boo and I went off to the D.R. and had a blast. It was beautiful and spending quality time with just each other for company was so comfortable and relaxing.

Still working at ICS but looking to transition out into something more suitable with my fall course load.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Just remember...

not sure where I found this bobo Jake & Finn but is a nice little knock off rendering.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


The title was my best attempt at writing a wolf howl.

Check out Golden Wolf. They. Are. Rad.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

happy birthday little badger baby

Happy birthday Simey! You are my little badger baby. Like this:

Friday, April 12, 2013

and it goes on

Lack of postings have made my blog a shabby ghost town. Here are some life updates.

Hana and I installed our our show Atmospheric Front at Chroma Gallery at the beginning of the month. It'll be up till the end of April. The opening reception went very well and it was really fun putting stuff up without being exhausted and under pressure. We owe special thanks to Nick B. and my Boo for all their help, and of course Alberto and Bradford always and forever.

I've signed up for classes to work towards getting certified in accounting. School starts in May and I'm excited and a little nervous. For now I am enrolled in evening courses but I'm not sure what I plan to do for the fall and spring semesters. I might just dive into it head on so that I can finish the program ASAP. Its supposed to only take four semesters including 2 summers.

Headed to NY for the weekend with my Boo. Very excited to see old friends and to spend time with one another.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

But why?

How does Amazon decide what items will entice me via e-mail? Today I got an e-mail about Gerber Meat Sticks.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Zigmeister

I love you and wish for a wonderful 5th year! You will always be my favorite piano playing bunny.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

consume consuming consumer

Bitten by the shopping bug - big time!

I've moved and have purchased a bunch of fun and necessary items to make living comfortable but I also just made this purchase...

Not sure how to justify it. Feeling kind of guilty but still can't wait for them to get to me!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I hope Roger Deakins finally wins an Oscar for the cinematography of Skyfall.

I haven't taken The Academy seriously ever since '99 when Gwyneth Paltrow won for best actress and Shakespeare in Love beat Saving Private Ryan for best picture. How did that happen? Shakespeare in Love is a horrible film!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy birthday mom! Here is where I will take you someday, when I have money and you are retired.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Birthday and Anniversary Weekend Boo!

Here is a photo that Meredith took of a drunk James Byrne in the winter of 2008 as he was asking me why we weren't dating. He apologized profusely the following Monday leading me to insinuate that he meant we should be a couple because we were both Asian. Guess he knew something I didn't.

Happy Birthday and One Year Anniversary boo!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Holiday Cards

Here are proofs to a couple designs I created for Three of Change that didn't make the cut this past holiday.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Brick Monster Z

My Bro In-Law and Nephew are making Lego reviews for your viewing pleasure. Check em out, share and like em so that they can buy more legos with YouTube revenue.

The official Brick Monster Z channel