Sunday, October 30, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

wowie wa wa

My bro in-law Mark has been telling me about this camera for a while now but this is the first time I've taken a good look at it. SO AWESOME.

You can adjust the focus in post, take 3D photos with one lens and its really small!

Check out the Lytro

wish it

i want to see this illustration animated. Kimberly Salt

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Not in Kansas

These are amazing. Check out all 25 Abandoned Monuments.

"They were designed by different sculptors (Dušan Džamonja, Vojin Bakić, Miodrag Živković, Jordan and Iskra Grabul, to name a few) and architects (Bogdan Bogdanović, Gradimir Medaković...), conveying powerful visual impact to show the confidence and strength of the Socialist Republic."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

boys size 4.5

Finally got new kicks that aren't terribly geriatric or horrifically sporty. Phew! I'm done shoe shopping for the fall/winter.

Friday, October 21, 2011

old roofies

this can't be good.

I'm pretty sure thats a painted photograph. It looks really weird.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

the theme was 9/11

Exceptional illustrations by Bendik Kaltenborn

"Exhibited at David Lynch's interactive gallery 2005. The theme was 9/11."

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

this is exciting

The paintings of VINCE CONTARINO

The first one is 60" x 50" (as tall as me) imagine sitting in front of it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011


maybe someday I'll own a warehouse to live and work in - probably more practical than a tiny gypsy home.

These are nice. The blue one is some random internet finding. The purple one is in a lovely spot up in Fells Point, Baltimore.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

invading my mind

I've become obsessed with sweets and pastries - I blame it on the Cornell biography I've been reading. Yesterday I ate a brownie, cherry danish, ginger ale & frosty. His biography keeps mentioning that many of his diary entries are nothing more than notations of the sweet snacks he ate.

I love that he genuinely loved his own art and created for creations sake. Accolades and gallery shows were only an added bonus and when requested to create pieces for shows at prestigious museums he would turn them down because then his creations would no longer be his art but just plain "work". Though fickle and flawed he was still true to himself.

Friday, October 14, 2011

e-zay listnen

Does this song sound like it would be in a rom-com? Sure it does!
Does his somewhat forced raspy voice sound like Jason Mraz? I think so too.

Judge me if you want I still like it - Im such a sucker for a banjo

And why the heck not? While we're at it lets jam out to Dolly professing her love to Burt Reynolds

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

collision of meat, bones, brain and subway

A metro train and a man collided yesterday evening causing mayhem on my commute home. Witnesses believe he intentionally jumped in front of the train.

After part of the rail shut down, weak, obese, and the elderly were forced to climb massive amounts of unmoving escalator stairs causing multiple faintings and other issues. This led to the closure of yet another metro station causing all following trains to route past to the next available station which assisted in causing crazy amounts of street traffic not only heading South West but also North East.

After waiting for a connecting shuttle bus where I witnessed people shoving pregnant women and mothers with young children to the back of the line and then being denied entry onto an empty bus that was intended to shuttle the displaced commuters - I decided to walk 2 miles to the next station that was running trains in both directions but taking turns on a single track. All in all it took me 3 hours to get home. In case of state emergency I've learned that I'll probably die in the city without even a chance. Whoop de doo.

Monday, October 10, 2011

the perks of having money

Kelsey Brookes - I'd like to own an original someday this is why I work.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

i wonder

Wonder if I could live in one of these without losing my mind. I really enjoy owning stuff and having space to work but I dream of living like The Goat Woman from Frazier's Cold Mountain - only instead of raising goats I buy meat from the grocery store.

verstas architects: city cottage via designboom

Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Friday Phil

Phil Allen, this post is for you. BILL CARMEN

Thursday, October 6, 2011

failure is an option

Steve Jobs died yesterday. It saddens me more than I thought it would - he was pretty great.

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

Monday, October 3, 2011

over and over

Ahhh I can't stop listening to Lana Del Rey!

Also, she is pretty as a doll. I want those locks.

Preview her new album HERE

Sunday, October 2, 2011


This is how people in the 1950s woke up every morning.