Friday, September 30, 2011

basic elements

Stanley Chow is a genius at sifting out the basic structures to make one recognizable. Check it out its so much fun.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

heart be still

Edward Gorey and Peter Neumeyer met in the summer of 1968. Gorey had been contracted by Addison-Wesley to illustrate Donald and the . . . , a children’s story written by Neumeyer. On their first encounter, Neumeyer managed to dislocate Gorey’s shoulder when he grabbed his arm to keep him from falling into the ocean. -FLOATING WORLDS

Totally ganked this entire entry from Wolfeyebrows

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a release of private wishes...

In the dark cocoon of a picture house, Cornell could become the hero of his imaginings, the handsome suitor up on the screen who was loved by quivering, spotless maidens and was worthy of their outpourings.

-Utopia Parkway, The Life and Work of Joseph Cornell

Monday, September 26, 2011

lets go

internet findings.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hat-Jin & Wei-Nim

Attended Hatnim and Wei-Jins wedding last night. It was a blast and they are so lovely.

Friday, September 23, 2011

bigger the better

I want our show to blow your minds - bring it bigness

Os GĂȘmeos

Thursday, September 22, 2011

yes hair

Amazing bangs. Want that. Project Runway Season 9 Episode 8

Damn Jeans!

I mean James Dean... Hay high waist! Haaay naow! You rock those dad jeans fo sho.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Why I enjoyed this as a kid is lost on me now. Its really bad.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where are you?

Will these just become available in my size already? Its bumming me out.

Monday, September 19, 2011

the weather

its been perfect for this if mosquitos didn't exist.

maybe someday I'll have one of these humble hovels down by a lake.

Check out iamgracie

Friday, September 16, 2011

Shop Blog

Hey All - I've created a shop blog for my Etsy store.

Check it out: Vintage Delegate Blog it will be about fashion...

Thursday, September 15, 2011


this is stuck in my head. Its not even catchy enough, all slow and what not.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

do it up - you only live once

I met a very lovely woman over the weekend. She was tall as the day is long and had the bone structure of a supermodel. She was funny and thoughtful and even had a russian accent which I imagine many men would find a desirable trait. She was confident and intelligent.

I wished so badly to make her over. She was so sweet and naturally pretty but dressed like she was plopped naked amongst clothing lines in a trailer park and asked to get dressed while blindfolded.

Moral of the story? I am shallow. But also that one should give a damn about how they present themselves to the world. It really leaves others with the impression that you have a sense of self worth.

This is how I think she would like to be made over. Practical, Masculine, Comfortable. Still stylish.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

wheee - those are stickers.

Found this on The Jealous Curator. Its like a 6 year old girls dream with the control of two 20 something old artists.

You go girl! And by girl I mean full grown men. Peyton Turner and Brian Kaspr

Sunday, September 11, 2011


My mom used to tell me about how her mother raised bunnies while she was growing up. People were hungry. They weren't pets. Life was harder.

Its a story that helps me keep things in perspective.

this photo is the work of betsy lance

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Ghostland Observatory - hands down the best act at Virginfest 2011

photo from here

Friday, September 9, 2011

history lesson

Neo Edwardian - know about it.

the zeitgeist of todays look.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Rachel Whiteread- sculptor, installation artist, mother. (Reminds me of my sister)

These wood objects were collected by Whiteread's young son as a substitute for the toy guns he was forbidden to own. -LA Times

This particular piece is part of the permanent collection at the Hirshorn in DC. Go see it. Its free.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

growth and expansion

Pretty psyched - Just passed a major milestone in my profit margins on the Etsy Shop.

Stay tuned! I'm expanding to menswear with vintage ties.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

long long ago

Once upon a time, long long ago, I studied the art of storytelling through experimental video. Here is one of my earliest assignments. My goal was to establish a location without the use of dialogue.

I took a risk and wrapped my $700 camcorder in a ziplock bag, duct taped the opening, rubber banded the lens and drowned it in my washing machine - as a student, it was a crazy chance to take!

Back then I made videos of things that I wished to see and share with my friends -many of them aren't good but I liked them at the time - I'd like to start doing this again. Somewhere along the way I became jaded, was told I wasn't good enough, trained enough, had enough experience, had a lot of doors closed in my face and forgot why I made these things.

more old work of mine

Monday, September 5, 2011


Was introduced to the work of CY Twombly at the Philadelphia Museum of Art this past weekend. It was moving. I now have a reason to visit Texas which houses an extremely large collection of his work.

So easily do I forget how photography fails to capture the stirring qualities of paintings, sculptures, and drawings. Kind of ironic/moronic since I am an artist.

Fifty Days at Iliam (1978)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

wristie cuff

Bought this bracelet over the weekend. Pretty psyched about it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

dear fellas,

with love,
the broken hearted.